Professional Storyteller & Story Listener

Our stories matter. Stories foster wonder, joy, laughter, meaning, and a sense of being universal and yet personal.

Moving from my professional career of telling stories on stage, in schools, and for community groups, I am in transition with my relationship to performance. There are many programs I have offered in the past and am reflecting on what stories are calling for me to tell now.

I can say that I love working with personal stories and stories that help us heal and restore our human spirit.

Traditional stories always surprise me with the invitation to step into them and learn or laugh.

Folk tales, Jewish stories, culturally based stories, historical stories, legacy stories… there are so many that I enjoy!

There are many story workshops I have developed around developing your own story, healing grief, peace, and 3rd side stories….

Please contact me if you are interested in a storytelling program, workshops, or something new – I’m curious and would love to speak with you!

Here are a few programs that I love sharing:

  • Trees and People who Save Them
  • The Third Side of Peace – an owl, loggers and environmentalists
  • Urban Wildlife
  • Orphan Train Riders – true stories from long ago
  • Wisdom stories
  • Jewish stories
  • Healing stories
  • Intercultural programs
  • Women who come in the night – La Llorna and others