Susan is a Hatha Yoga Teacher, 200 hours.
Yoga is a holistic philosophy with eight branches, and is considered to be a sister to Ayurveda Medicine, an ancient Indian medical system.
As a teacher, I honor the lineages of yoga, an indigenous practice with origins in ancient civilizations that date back over 5,000 years ago.
In my effort to decolonize the appropriation of yoga, my yoga practice is not a workout, exercise program or aerobic. Here are the lineages I am connected with:
My Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hours, has been with and continues with Derick Eselius and Brenna Hatami through Denver Yoga Underground (DYU) https://www.denveryogaunderground.com/ Derick’s teaching comes from the lineage of Baba Hari Dass (1923-2018). Hari Dass’ teaching of Ayurveda, Raja Yoga, and Karma Yoga are the staple components of DYU’s yoga teacher training. And more currently with Rod Stryker, a dedicated student of the Sri Vidya tradition and his teachings of Hatha Yoga.
Offerings include:
Yoga Nidra Classes
An ancient practice, sometimes referred to as “yogic sleep” or dynamic sleep, is a guided mediation that takes you through a specific process of connecting to your body. Breathing exercises and body scans will lead your attention inward, allowing you to reach a deep state of relaxation and rest. Brain plasticity is experienced during the visualization segment. Overall, yoga nidra resets your nervous system and helps you regain a sense of your greater self.
Restorative Yoga Classes
Rest, deep relaxation, connection to your body, and sometimes healing, are the major benefits from this practice. This is a yoga practice that holds asanas (yoga poses) for a period of time, using props and blankets. There is a mediative aspect, which contributes to the state of relaxation. Sometimes there is a focus towards reducing stress or on specific areas of the body.
Hatha Yoga classes
Each class may include asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (yoga breathing), Mudras (body gestures). Hatha means the yoga of balance – Sun (ha) and the moon (tha). This is a gentle yoga that has a light slow flow, meditation, and community building. Hatha yoga developed from the philosophy and techniques of Tantra Yoga. Susan also incorporates mindfulness practices to some classes as well.
Yoga & NVC (1 to 10 weeks)
Integrating Yoga asanas (postures), Yamas (ethical guidelines) and Niyamas (traits to thrive) and Nonviolent Communication skills to enliven your spiritual practice through communication patterns of presence, listening and speaking.
The sutras include:
- Yamas
- ashimsa (non-violence)
- asteya (non-stealing)
- satya (truthfulness)
- aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and
- brahmacharya (celibacy or fidelity)
- Niyamas
- Saucha (cleanliness)
- Santosha (contentment)
- Tapas (discipline)
- Svadhyaya (self study)
- Isvara Pranidhana (surrendering to a higher power)